ENDLESS SUMMER RECOVERYwhere the possibilities are endless
ENDLESS SUMMER RECOVERYwhere the possibilities are endless
ENDLESS SUMMER RECOVERYwhere the possibilities are endless
ENDLESS SUMMER RECOVERYwhere the possibilities are endless
compassionate. positive. effective.
At Endless Summer Recovery, our approach to treatment addresses each aspect of an individual’s life. We utilize proven therapies, along with the 12-Step philosophy, to promote physical, emotional and spiritual health. Our goal is to provide our clients and their families with a comprehensive, positive, and effective experience that will lead to lasting recovery.
Endless Summer Recovery . . . where the possibilities are endless.
Recovery Programs
Three levels of care at Endless Summer Recovery provide a safe environment as clients transition to a life beyond their substance use disorder...MORE
Treatment Services
Working with the client, Endless Summer Recovery’s compassionate team creates an individual plan in which the client always comes first...MORE
Our Mission
To bring an unprecedented level of compassion to the care and healing of those affected by substance use and co-occurring disorders. MORE ABOUT US
Chief Executive OfficerJAMES T KERR
Director of OperationsMATTHEW J SEAMAN, NCPRSS
CFO, Director of Client ServicesREBEKAH KERR, CRPS